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Various versions of VanityHD

Posted by AP 
Various versions of VanityHD
October 13, 2016 09:57AM
Hi all,
You may have noticed there are various versions of the VanityHD board available. To make sure you pick the right one for you, here is a quick explanation of the differences.

The VanityHD is basically the name for the whole family of the Vanity boards for the BDP-103. There are two hardware and two software options.

The two hardware options are SPDIF and AES outputs. Most of the Hi-Fi equipment can accept digital audio over consumer SPDIF, but some people use the OPPO+VanityHD with semi-pro cinema processors that have only AES inputs.

The two software options are DSD Downmix and DoP. The first one can downmix 5.1 SACD into 4.0 in full quality - something the OPPO cannot do itself. There is only limited use for this option so when the DoP format was introduced we also created software version with DoP option (which replaced the DSD Downmix).

So theoretically there are up to four different versions of the VanityHD board. The most popular and most universal one is VanityHD DoP with SPDIF. Upon special request the modules can be delivered with AES outputs (please see details here ) or Downmix firmware which can be useful only for people with 4.0 speaker setup wanting to playback SACDs in 4.0 channels.

Hope it all makes sense. If not, don't hesitate to ask here smiling smiley

Re: Various versions of VanityHD
October 15, 2016 10:23AM
The DoP version does not have DSD to pcm conversion capability like the downmix version has, correct?
Re: Various versions of VanityHD
October 15, 2016 07:10PM
All versions of the VanityHD boards do DSD to PCM conversion. It is the default operation mode. DSD downmix or DoP are additional features the user can enable or disable. But the DSD to PCM conversion is always available.
Re: Various versions of VanityHD
October 16, 2016 02:51PM
Oh, man. I misunderstood that and chose the wrong one. Doh.
Re: Various versions of VanityHD
October 16, 2016 06:16PM
Which version do you have and what do you want to use it for ?
Re: Various versions of VanityHD
October 17, 2016 10:04PM
I have the SPdif Downmix version. I listen 2-channel and currently use it for DSD-PCM conversion of SACD, as well as sending native res PCM Blu-ray, DVD-A, and CD to the outboard DAC. Since I am only 2-channel, I would prefer the option of being able to send the DSD signal DoP to that of the 4-channel downmix. For some reason, I mistakenly thought the choice was between DSD-PCM conversion, and DoP, and that the 4-channel down-mix was simply an added bonus of the DSD to PCM conversion model.

It works great for what I've been using it for, but if I was a smart man, I would have gone for the one with the DoP option rather than the downmix option. Thanks
Re: Various versions of VanityHD
January 19, 2017 01:58AM
I have only two front, two side and two rear channels. With what formats (if any) can I get digital output to the two front channels that includes the sub and center info? I am pretty sure there is NO way for DVD-A and it seems there is a method for SACD. I am not sure thou. thanks, Doug
Re: Various versions of VanityHD
February 10, 2017 12:26PM
Hi Doug,
Maybe I am totally wrong here, but the OPPO should be capable of down mixing PCM channels based on your speaker configuration in the menu. With the VanityHD board all downmix options and capabilities for PCM based media rely on the player itself. Only for SACD playback there is the VanityHD software version with 4.0 downmix option which mixes center and sub into the front two stereo channels. Please have look into the user manual for details about the DSD 4.0 downmix.

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