I recently acquired an Oppo with the DoP Vanity model installed and also picked up a streamer (EverSolo DMP-A6) with a DAC onboard that accepts DoP via coax and plays DSD.
Sure enough when I play the Vanity in DoP mode, the A6 displays DSD 64 and sounds very nice for a spell until a blast of white noise/loud static overwhelms the music for a few seconds before it disappears as suddenly as it comes on (actually when it goes away it sort of fades out at the end). Music continues to play behind the few seconds of noise during those noise spells, which occur about once or twice per track on average.
One time out of curiosity I paused the play of the Oppo when one of those pulses of static hit. The music stopped but the noise blast did its regular few seconds before fading. I left the Oppo in the pause position to see if the noise would generate again without any active music playing, and after a minute or so the noise blast came on for a few seconds just as it does when music is actively playing.
Anyway, I've posted this issue on a Zidoo forum (parent company of EverSolo, I think), as I suspect this is an a6 issue not a Vanity/Oppo issue, and nobody knows anything about it but that seems to be because nobody has used/tried to play DSD on the A6 via DoP. All the info I'm able to gather from a6 users regarding DoP is outputting DSD from the A6 streamer into another DAC rather than using DoP to input DSD into the A6. My standalone DAC is PCM only, so if I want to listen to unconverted DSD, the DAC inside the A6 is currently my only option.
The only other data point I can think of for diagnostic purposes is that using the Vanity to convert DSD to 176kbs PCM first works fine on the A6 without any intermittent noise blast interruptions. And it handles 192kbs from blu-ray audio fine, as well, so it doesn't appear to be a high resolution issue by itself.
Could it be the A6 uses a different DoP protocol? Is that even a thing? Could the jitter settings on the Vanity possibly affect it? I haven't experimented with changing them yet to see.
Ok, any thoughts/suggestions are appreciated.
Many thanks,